Buy one like this
Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Wickman
- 6 Spindle
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 2-1/4"
- 1997
Capacity, Round: 2-1/4"Hexagonal: 1.95"
Square: 1.59"
Approach Stroke Ind.
No Woth Spindles: 6
Slide: 4-1/4"
Approach Stroke Main Ts: 4"
Bar Feed Double Long Feed: 10"
Bar Feed Long Bar Feed: 2 - 16"
Bar Feed Stroke: 1/2" - 10"
Feed Stroke Independent: 0" - 5"
Feed Stroke Mid. Slides: 0 - 1-3/16"
Idle Time: 2.5 Seconds
Dimensions (Approx.): 13''''7" X 58"
Weight (Approx.): 22,400 Lbs.
New 1997 - just rebuilt
Electromagnetic clutches
3 x drilling spindles
Brand new , never used polygon attachments
Machine fully rebuilt by Wickman and NEVER put into production
Machine cost $ 140,000 USD
Special price including rigging and packing into container.