Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Transfer Machine
- Hydromat
- HW 25/12
- Rotary
- 25mm
- 2006
- Spindle Size: 25mm
Hw25-12, Legacy, 2006PLC Controller
all 35/60 Units - Quick Change?
(2) 36/100 Recess Units
Machine can be purchased without these two units for $225,000
With No Production on It
12 Horizontal Units and Two Vertical,
Magazine Loader,
Hydraulic Pack
Electrical Cabinet
Coolant Tank
Filtration System
Metal Walkway
1833 Clicks on the counter
Round ................................ 1"
Hex .................................. 7/8"
Square ............................... 3/4"
Length ............................... 4"
Horizontal Stations .................. 12
Vertical Stations .................... 6
Indexing Time ........................ 0.5
Weight ............................... 10,000 Lbs.
Main Motor ........................ 30 HP
Overall Dimensions ...... 318" x 142" x 116"