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- CNC Machine
- Hwacheon
- HI-TECH 200CII Big Bore
- Lathe - CNC
- 2001
Swing over Bed 19.7Maximum Turning Diameter 13.8"
Tandard Turning Diameter 10"
Maximum Turning Length 15.7"
Spindle Nose a2-8
Spindle Speed 3500 Rpm
Hole Thru Spindle 3.5 "
Bar Size 3 "
Spindle Motor 20 Hp
Turret, No. of Tools 10
Tool Size 1" X 1.3" Dia.
Rapid Feed - X / Z 1180 Ipm
Traverse - X / Z 7.7 / 17 Ipm
Tailstock Quill Diameter 3.2 "
Quill Stroke 3.9 "
Quill Taper #3
Approx. Floor Space ( L X W) 97.2" X 68.9"
Approx. Weight 9,300 Lbs
Equipped With:
Mitsubishi M64/65 Cnc Control
Chip Conveyor
10" 3-Jaw Chuck
Parts Catcher
(3) Foot Pedal Controls