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- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 20a
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 1994
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
axi bar diameter : 16 [mm]Headstock stroke : 135 [mm]
Spindle rotation speed : 8000 [rpm]
Spindle power : 3,7/5,5 [kW]
Counter spindle rotation speed : 6000 [rpm]
Counter spindle maxi diameter : 16 [mm]
Sizes : 2140 x 1195 x 1720 [mm]
Weight : 2000 [kg]
FANUC OTT numerical control
slotting device on combined attachment
drilling rotary spindle on combined attachment
2 fixed counter driller
1 bar feeder TORNOS ROBOBAR SSF N°12405