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- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BS 18CE(S) III
- Lathe - CNC
- 19mm
- 2006
- C Axis:
- Sub Spindle:
- Live Tooling:
- Min./max. diameter: 3-18mm- Main spindle stroke: 210mm
- Main spindle rotation speed: 0-10,000 rpm
- Main spindle power: 3.7kw
- Number of turning positions:7
- Turning tools type: 12 x 12mm
- Number of rotary tools: 1
- Counter-spindle rotation speed: 1 - 8,000 rpm
- Counter-spindle power: 1.1 kw
- Number of fixed tools or combined attachment: 2
- Number of rotary tools or combined attachment: 1
- Number of fixed tools or counter combined attachment: 3
- Number of rotary tools or counter combined attachment: 2
- Dimensions: 1870 x 1150 x 1685 [mm] : 2200 [kg]
- Weight: 2200 kg
- CN TSUGAMI MORI MSC 501 - Lubricating tank with pump
- Part catcher
- Stop on main spindle (360x1°)
- Stop on counter-spindle (24x15°)
- LNS Express 22011 bar feeder
- 1 turning tool holder for counter operation
- 1 turning combined attachment 3 spindles (ER16 + 2 ER11) - 2 fixed tool holders
- 2 turning tool holders