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- Automatic
- Warner & Swasey
- 0AB
- Single Spindle Bar
- 1970
Model M4415 Lot 10Round bar capacity 1-1/4”
Square stock capacity 7/8”
Hexagon stock capacity 1-1/16”
Maximum length turned 4-1/2”
Infinite variable bar feed stroke 1/8” to 5”
Maximum working stroke on pentagon 4-1/2”
Feed stroke on cross slide 1-1/2”
Thirty six feeds from .001 to .083” IPR on pentagon & cross feeds
Thirty two speeds from 67 to 3039 RPM
Maximum working stroke of cutoff slide 1/8” to 7/8”
Infinite variable cutoff feed rate .00015” to .113” IPM
Thread range left or right hand 11-1/2 to 48 TPI
Coolant pump & piping, Coolant
Collet chuck & bar feed, main stock tube
Miscellaneous pentagon tooling
Rear stock stand
Two M3873 cross slide cutter blocks, parts catcher
One cutoff tool holder
Approximate weight: 7900 lbs.
7-1/2 / 3-3/4HP; 440/3/60
4 Small motors 220/440/3/60 110V control