Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 7/16" RA6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1965
Height To Top Of Motor: 5' 6"Length: 5' 3"
Weight: 4,850 Lbs.
Width: 2' 9"
Idle Time .48 or.55 w/112 Deg
Main Tool Slide Travel: 1"
Spindle Capacity Round: 7/16"
Spindle Capacity Hex: 3/8"
Spi ndle Capacity Square: 5/16"
Spindle Speeds 770-4890
Standard Horsepower 7 1/2
Stock Feed Slide Travel 1.5"
Two Complete Ready to Run Machines and One That Needs Some
Parts Put Back on the Machine to Make It Run
Extra Tooling for the Three Consisting of Rotary Sloting,
Offside Milling, Pickoffs, Threading, Tool Holders, Cams, Gears,
Stock Reels
Stock Stands
Back Finish
One Chip Conveyor
Cross Slide Tool Holders
Drill Saddles
Electrics, Complete
Condition - Good Operational for the Two, Third One Can Be Put
Back Into Running Condition. There Might Even Be Enough Parts
to Put It Back Together in the Extras.