Sold!Buy one like this
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- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 2-5/8" RB6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1967
Length 13' 1 5/8"Weight: 30,600 Lbs
Width 4' 8"
Collet Capacity Round 2 5/8"
Collet Capacity Hex: 2 17/64"
Collet Capacity Sq. 1 27/32"
Idle Time 2.9 Sec
Main Tool Slide Travel 8"
Spindle RPM if Stopper 845
Spindle Speeds 101-1065
Standard Main Motor Horsepower 40
S tock Feedout Max. 7"
Stock Reel and Stand
Updated Electrics
Universal Chip Conveyor
5 Slides
Air Feed Clutches
Air Stock Depletion
Cams and Gears
Solid Collets
Solid Pushers
Outboard Coolant Pump
Plexiglas Guards
Drill Saddles
Updated Electrics
.002 tool slide lift.