Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- New Britain
- Model 52
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 0
Length 127" W/O Conveyor
Width 47"
Idle .92 w/4" Tool Slide Cam
Idle 1 sec w/5" Tool Slide Cam
Max Capacity Hex: 1 1/16"
Max Capacity Round: 1 1/4"
Motor Horsepower 25
Max Capacity Square: 7/8"
Max Stock Feed: 6"
Max. Dia Head Diam 4 3/8"
Net Weight: 12,900 LBS
Spindle Speeds 271-4249 RPM
Tool Slide Travel 4"
Tool Slide Travel Optional 5"
Travel Low Slide Front 1 3/4"
Travel Low Slide Rear 2"
Asking way too much for this and a 62 but we wanted to
tell you about them.
New Britain, New: 1980: 1 3/8” ,
5” Tool Slide, 99% new rebuilt 2000, new spindle bearings
New Britain, New: 1969: 2 1/4”, 6” or 7” Tool Slide,
99% new rebuilt 2000, new spindle bearings
SNM, New: 2000: Model 654
All machines come with:
Large supply of tooling/attachments (hydraulic threading,
gears, bearings, etc) NO PICK OFF