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- CNC Machine
- Mazak
- Lathe - CNC
- 0
- Spindle Size: 2"
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Dual Spindles:
- Live Tooling:
- Gantry Load:
- Dual Turrets:
Mazak Multiplex 620 Mark Ii Twin Spindle Cnc LatheControl: Mazatrol T-Plus
Specifications Subject to Verification:
Max. Swing Dia. 15.35"
Swing over Carriage 15.35"
Max. Distance Between Spindles 46.45"
Max. Bar Capacity 2"
Spindle Nose/ Spindle Thru Hole Dia. a2-6" (2.55")
Spindle Speed 35-4600 Rpm
Main Spindle Motor 25 Hp Ac
Turret Type 12 Drum Turret X 2
Rotary Tool Speed 120-2500 Rpm
Rotary Tool Horsepower 4 Hp Ac
No. of Tools 12 / 12
Stroke of X- Axis 9.05"
Stroke of Z -Axis (L-R) 16.93"
Spindle Indexing Increments .001 Degree
Rapid Traverse Rate (X & Z) 945 Ipm
Machine Weight 18,000 Lbs.
Equipped With:
Mazatrol T-Plus Cnc Control
(2) Tool Eyes (Both Heads)
(2) 8" 3-Jaw Hydraulic Chucks
Mazak Gl100N Gantry Loader
Chip Conveyor
Misc. Tool Holders
Misc. Powered Rotary Tool Holders