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- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- A-20 VI
- Lathe - CNC
- 2006
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
One Used Citizen a16-Vi (2006) Mag Barfeed, 2000 PsiCitizen a16-Vi
New: 2006
Control: Fanuc Oi-Tb
Maximum Machining Diameter............ 5/8" (0.63")
Maximum Machining Length.............. 5.31"
Maximum Front Drilling Diameter....... 0.24"
Max Front Tapping Diameter............ M6
Spindle Through Hole Diameter......... 0.79"
Main Spindle Indexing................. 1 Deg.
Main Spindle Speed.................... 10,000 Rpm
Main Spindle Speed W/Rotary Guide Bushing Device... 6,000 Rpm
Max Drill Dia. of Gang Rotary Tool.... 5Mm (0.2")
Spindle Speed of Gang Rot. Tool....... 4,500 Rpm
Number of Tools to Be Mounted......... 16
- Turning Tools on Gang Tool Post..... 5
- Rotary Tools on Gang Tool Post...... 3
- Tools for Front Spindle............. 4
- Tools for Back Spindle.............. 4
Tool Size:
- Gang Tool Post (Tool)............... 0.39"
- Sleeve.............................. 0.75"
Back Spindle Speeds................... 6,000 Rpm
Approx. Machine Weight................ 2,860 Lbs
Ikura Seiki Bartop 12 Ft. Automtaic Barfeeder
2000 Psi (4) Line Cool Blaster High Pressure
Mist Buster Mist Collector,
Transformer, Expanded Coolant Tank (35 Gall)
Rigid Tapping Option, Continuous Threading, Custom Macro B,
Corner Chamfer/Radius, Z-A2 Axis Synchronization Function
Single Point Threading, Main
Background Editing, Canned Cycle for Threading, Main (G92)
Constant Surface Speed Control, Main (G96/97),
Hours As of 2/18/13
Operating Time: 11,258 Hours
Cutting Time: 8,980 Hours
Cost of Replacement Machine New As Equipped Above: $115,000
Condition: -- Very Good.