Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BE20V
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2007
- Spindle Size: 20mm
General Specifications per Brochure:Control: .......................... Fanuc 31TiA
Controlled Axes: .................. X1, X2, Z1, Z2, A
Barstock Range: ................... 3 mm - 20mm
Max Workpiece Length: ............. 210 mm
.................................. 170mm w/ Rotary Guide Bushing
.................................. 45mm w/ Non-Guide Bushing
Max Main Spindle Drilling Diam: ... 7mm
Max Main Spindle Tapping Diam: .... M6 x 1
Max Back Spindle Gripping Diam: ... 20mm
Max Back Spindle Drilling Diam: ... 7mm
Max Back Spindle Tapping Diam: .... M6 x 1
Max Rotary Tool Drilling Diam: .... 6mm (opt)
Max Rotary Tool Tapping Diam: ..... M5 x 0.8
Main Spindle Speed: ............... 200 - 12,000 rpm
Back Spindle Speed: ............... 200 - 12,000 rpm
Tool Size: ........................ 12 x 12 x 85mm
OD: ............................... 8
ID: ............................... 4
Rotary Cross: ..................... 3, (4 opt)
Back: ............................. 4 Front Tool Post, 4 Back Tool Post
Rapid Traverse Rate: .............. 32m/min (X: 24m/min)
.................................. 1259 IPM (X1:945)
Main Spindle: ..................... 1.5 / 3.7kW
Back Spindle: ..................... 1.5/2.2kW (built-in motor drive)
Rotary Tool: ...................... 0.75kW
Power Requirements: ............... 1.1 kVA
Air Requirements: ................. 0.4 MPa or more
Air Discharge Rate: ............... 30 NL/min
Weight (approx): .................. 3960 lbs
Dimensions (approx): .............. 65" x 43" x 67"
Gang Tool
With Fanuc control and standard
FMB Turbo 326 Swiss barfeeder.