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- Chip Processing
- Barrett
- 1100e
- Chip Spinner
- 30"
- 1984
Chip pan - diameter / depth: 30" x 14"Chip pan capacity: 4.5 cu. ft. // 3-2/3 bushels
Max. loads per hour: 15
Hourly prod. (55 gallons): 9
Max. allowable load: 425 lbs.
Liquid Load Capacity 33 gallons.
Hourly production: 3375 lbs.
Running speed: 900 rpm
Motor: 10 hp / 440V
Height, lid closed, lid open: 45" / 81.5"
Machine base diameter: 49"
Approx. weight: 2,600 lbs.
(2) pans/baskets
Allen Bradley Guard-Master safety for the lid
Centrifuge provides rapid acceleration to effectively and efficiently extract
all recoverable fluids and dry your chips in a short cycle providing maximum
fluid recovery. Reduce fluid purchases, reduce disposal costs, and enhance
your product's finish. Lid spring in good condition.
Condition Notes: Under power, perfectly operational.