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- CNC Machine
- Emco-Maier
- Emcoturn 425 MC 4
- Lathe - CNC
- 1"
- 0
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Bar capacity: 1" Diameter (max.)Bar feed system: FMB "Doppel" (Double) type
Spindle configuration: 2 X 2 Opposed spindles (works two parts
simultaneously / transfers both parts to rear-end-working spindles)
Spindle speeds: 20 to 5,000 RPM
Spindle index increment: 0.001 Degrees (Full C-axis)
Spindle drive motor: 15 HP
Turret configuration: 2 independent 12-position turrets
Available live tool positions: 4 on each turret
Live tooling spindle speeds: 5,000 RPM (max.)
CNC Type: Siemens Sinumerik
Additional features: Coolant system, Mist collector unit, Machine
and control manuals.
Currently in operation: Yes
Note: This late-model Emco Emcoturn 425 MC 4-Spindle CNC
Lathe with FMB Doppel Bar Feed System is in operation