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- CNC Machine
- Gildemeister
- MSL 60/7
- Lathe - CNC
- 60mm
- 2008
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: 7
- Live Tooling:
main spindleMaximum bar diameter 60 mm
Max speed r / min 5000
Power (S3 60%: 30 min / S1) kW 7.5 / 5.5
Maximum bar diameter 42 mm
Max speed r / min 5000
Power (S3 60%: 30min / S1) kW 3,7 / 2,2
Maximum rapid traverse the axes (Z4) m / min 15 (30)
Maximum axis acceleration m / s 5
Path X1, X2 mm 60, 60
Z2 80 mm away
X3 60 mm away
Z3 80 mm away
Way X4 130 mm
Way Z4 340 mm
Toolholder slide 1
fixed tools 1
Toolholder slide 2
fixed tools 1
driven stations (optional) 1
Tool holder carriage 3
Fixed tools (optional) 1 (4)
Toolholder slide 4
Fixed tools 4
driven tools 1
Tool holders for rear machining
Fixed tools 3
Driven tools (optional) 1
Weight 4,000 kg
built in 2008
Fanuc 31i
Even more flexibility in bar. The machine has the standard seven axes, a
6-position turret with a driven and four fixed tools and a sub-spindle, the
three tools enables the backside processing. With up to 14 tools so even
complex workpieces can be manufactured easily.
Loader - 3.30 m
6300 hours
Accessories komplekt.