Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Kitako
- Kitako MT4-200
- Lathe - CNC
- Chucker
- 1996
- Gantry Load:
Chuck Size 8" (4)Max Swing Over Bed / Carriage 7.9"
Max Turning Diameter 7.8"
Max Machining Length 4"
Tools 8 (2)
Spindle Speed 30 - 4000 RPM
Spindle Bore 1.97"
Spindle Nose A2-6
Spindle Motor 20 HP (2)
Rapid Traverse Rates (X / Z) 394 / 551 IPM
X-Axis Travel (Left & Right Turret) 6.69"
Z-Axis Travel (Left & Right Turret) 9.84"
Machine Dimensions (L x W x H) 132" x 79" x 86"
Machine Weight 16,535 lbs.
9" Monochrome CRT
Four Spindles (Two for Machining & Two for Load / Unload)
Overhead Gantry Robot
Load and Unload Parts Conveyors
(4) 8" Auto Block Hydraulic Chucks
(2) 8 Position Turrets