Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Takisawa
- TT-160
- 7.87
- 2006
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Dual Spindles:
- Gantry Load:
Model: TT160 Type DSpecifications:
Factory Upgrade Gantry to a TT200G Style
Max. turning diameter 7.87"
Max. turning length 5.16"
X-axis travel 5.12"
Z-axis Travel...6.5"
Number of spindles 2
Spindle Speed 40~4000min-1
Spindle nose type 40
Spindle hole diameter 2.09"
Inner diameter of bearing...3.15"
Number of turrets 2
Turret type 10-station all holder
Number of tool stations 10 10
Square tool shank section...0.79"
Boring bar shank diameter 1.0"
Feed rate
Rapid feed rate X,Z: 24 m/min
Jog/Feed rate...X,Z: 0 to 1260 mm/min
Main spindle motor (30min/cont 7.33/4.93 hp
Axis drive motor X 1.33, Z 1.6 hp
Hydraulic pump motor 2.0 hp
Coolant pump motor 0.34 hp
Electric power source 24.5 kVA
Air supply 0.4 MPa, 150 NL
Hydraulic unit tank 2.65 gallons
Lubrication oil tank 1.72 gallons
Coolant Tank...42.56 gallons
Height 108"
Floor space 103" x 75"
Weight 11,023 lbs does not include work feeder, coolant tank
Or 1 chip conveyor.
16 Station Pallet
Chip Conveyor
Coolant Tank & Pump
Tooling, Chucks & manuals
I was told this is an estimate for the hours... I have not been able to get
it exact out of the control:
Built in 2006-Shipped in 2007 ran 50 hours/ week for 50 weeks= 2500
hrs./year FOR 4 years 2007- 2011 4 x 2500 = 10,000 hours
It was machining a part for home depot and the order expired....
In Excellent operating condition..