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- Chip Processing
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2.75" Dia x Variable Up To a 3" PuckModel RST 600
RSN: 28596
Fluid Containment System with 1/8 HP Sump Pump, Piping and Trough
Heat Exchanger
Agitator and Agitator Hopper
Approximate Production Rates Per Hour:
Aluminum: 600 Lbs per Hour
Steel or Cast Iron: 1,500 Lbs per Hour
Copper/Brass: 1,920 Lbs per Hour
20 HP 3/ 60/ 460 Volts
Discharge Chute
Approximate Dimensions: 108" x 63" x 67" H.
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Description: Unit is suitable for puck-briquettting of turnings,
clippings, millings, drillings, and sawings of: steel, cast iron,
copper, brass, aluminum and other light metals.
Integrated Allen Bradley Controls