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- CNC Machine
- Traub
- TNC 42/65
- Lathe - CNC
- 42mm
- 1999
- C Axis:
Max. turning length: [mm] 450Bar capacity: [mm] 42
Max. revolution: [rpm] 5.600
Input power: [kW] 18,5 / 11
X-Axis: [mm]
Z-Axes: [mm]
Rapid motion: (X/Z) [m/min] 15 / 30
Amount of turrets: 1
Tool capacity: 14
Driven Tools
Max. revolution: [rpm] 8.000
Tool: VDI 25
Max. revolution: [rpm] 5.600
Synchronized tapping
Tool setter
Partscatcher A left
Collets Hainbuch-Spanntop-Futter
Req. space (LxBxH): [m] 2,562 - 2,01 - 1,79
Machine weight: [kg] 4.550
Type: TNC 42/65
Year of production: 1999
Control: CNC TX - 8H
Made in: Germany
Sub-spindle, detail feeding robot
Spindle hole diameter: 42 mm
Turning length: 450 mm
Axis X travel: 140 mm
Axis Z travel: 450 mm
Revolver head: 2 x 10 pcs.
Main motor r.p.m: 5 600 r.p.m
Overall power demand: 49 kW
Machine weight : 4 800 kg