Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Warner & Swasey
- 3 AC
- Single Spindle Chucker
- 0
Cross Slide Cutter BlocksMultiple Turning Heads
Pentagon Coolant Distributer
Pentagon Tool Holders
36 Turret Feeds .0019-.124"
Chuck Size 15 or 18"
Cross Feeds Same as Turret
Cross Slide Max Travel 11"
Max Work Stroke 11"
Motor HP 40/20
Spindle Flanged Nose ASA2 11"
Spindle Speeds 15-826 RPM
Swing Over Cross Slides 15.5"
Weight: 20,800 Lbs
Inspected the two 3AC. M3930.They were purchase new and are
under power and look and sound excellent(well maintained)/ T
hey have alot of spare tooling and spare parts.
They have adjustable front and rear slides, coolant distributors,
18" 3 Jaw chucks,
They will not be released until end of January. Customer wants
too much as is where is, with all tooling and spare parts. Of
course we can always make an offer