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- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BS-20 III
- Lathe - CNC
- Swiss Type
- 2001
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
(1) Used Tsugami Model Bs-20B Mark Iii Cnc Swiss Type LatheSpecifications:
Max Bar Dia 0.787"
Speed Range of Main Spindle 200 to 8,000 Rpm
Horsepower of Main Spindle 5 Hp
Indexing C-Axis (0.001 Degrees)
Programmable Servo Axis Designation
"Z1" Main Headstock in and out 8.21"
"T1" O.D. Tool Slide up and Down 5.90"
"X1" O.D. Tool Slide Right and Left 2.00"
"X2" I.D. Tool Slide up and Down 7.90"
Auxiliary Slide Motion:
"X2" I.D. Tool Slide in and out
(Synchronous to "Z1") 7.88"
Sub-Spindle Specifications
Max Dia 0.787"
Max Drill Capacity - Mild Steel 3/8"
Max Tap Capacity - Mild Steel 5/16"
Speed Range 200 to 7,000 Rpm
Power Rating 3.0 Hp Ac
Sub-Spindle Indexing 5 Degree
Drive Tool Drive Motor 1.5 Hp
Max Speed Cross Tool T10- T12 200-5.000 Rpm
Max Speed Cross Tool T13 120-3,000 Rpm
Number of Tool Stations 6 Od/4 Id/3 Bw, 4 Cross Driven Tools
Weight 5,300 Lbs
Dimensions (L X W X H) 72" X 46" X 67"
Equipped With:
Fanuc LK-1 (180is-TA) CNC Control
Equipped With:
Fanuc LK-1 (180is-TA) CNC Control