Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Hwacheon
- HI-TECH 200A
- Lathe - CNC
- 75mm
- 2001
- Tail Stock:
Chuck Size ....................... 8''Maximum Swing .................... 19.7''
Maximum Turning Diameter ......... 12.8''
Maximum Turning Length ........... 15.7''
Bar Diameter ..................... 2.00''
Spindle Nose ..................... a2-6
Spindle Bore ..................... 2.9''
Spindle Speed Rpm ................ 5000
Spindle Horsepower ............... 15/20
Number of Tools .................. 12
C-Axis Minimum Index Angle ....... 0.001
Rotary Tool Rpm .................. 5000
Rotary Tool Horsepower ........... 3/5
Tool Size , Turning and Face ..... 1'' X 1''
Boring Bar Diameter .............. 1.5''
Rapid Traverse Rate X/Z .......... 1181 Ipm
X-Axis Travel .................... 7.7''
Z-Axis Travel .................... 16.9''
Tailstock Quill Taper ............ Mt#4
Tailstock Quill Diameter ......... 3.15''
Tailstock Quill Stroke ........... 3.94''
Approx. Dimensions ............... 104'' X 66'' X 80''
Approx. Weight ................... 8,590 Lbs
Equipped With:
- Fanuc 0Itc Cnc Control
- 8'' 3-Jaw Hyd. Chuck
- 12 Position Turret
- Tailstock