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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- MAF 42
- Lathe - CNC
- 42mm
- 1995
- Spindle Size: 42mm
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
Machining Capacity Main Spindle - Maximum 1-5/8"
Machining Capacity Sub-Spindle - Maximum 1-5/8"
Length Main Spindle - Maximum 9-27/32"
Length Sub-Spindle - Maximum 7-1/16"
Drilling Capacity Main Spindle - Maximum 1-1/4"
Drilling Capacity Sub-Spindle - Maximum 1/2"
Tapping Capacity Main Spindle - Maximum 1"
Tapping Capacity Sub-Spindle - Maximum 1/2"
Speed Main Spindle - Maximum 6,000 RPM
Speed Sub-Spindle - Maximum 5,000 RPM
Drive Motor Main Spindle 14.75 / 20.12 HP
Drive Motor Sub-Spindle 3 / 5 HP
Number of Turrets 24
Approximate Weight 13,500 Lbs.
Fanuc 16TT Controls
Aercology Mist Collector
Parts Counter
Automatic Lubrication System