Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Hwacheon
- Hi-Eco 21HS
- Lathe - CNC
- 2"
- 1999
SPECIFICATIONSMain Chuck Diameter 8"
Sub Spindle Chuck Diameter 6"
X Axis Travel 6.8"
Z Axis Travel 17.9"
Max. Swing 23.6"
Max. Machining Diameter 11"
Max. Machining Length 12.3"
Max. Bar Diameter 2"
Spindle Nose A2-6
Spindle Speeds 40 - 4000 RPM
Sub Spindle 2.5 Degree Index
Main Spindle Motor 15/20 HP
Rapid Traverse (X & Y) 1181 IPM
Sub Spindle Speeds 30 - 4000 RPM
Subspindle Motor 7/10 HP
Subspindle Rapid Traverse 590 IPM
Turret Positions 12
Index Time .25 Seconds
Live Tools 6
Live Tool Speeds 20 - 3000 RPM
Live Tool Motor 3/5 HP
Equipped With:
Fanuc 18T CNC Control
8" 3-Jaw Chuck
6" 3-Jaw Chuck On Sub Spindle
Live Tooling
Chip Conveyor
Parts Catcher
Live and Standard Tool Holders
Coolant System
Approximate Weight: 9000 Lbs