I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- SS 26
- Lathe - CNC
- 26mm
- 2011
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
The SS26 platform delivers unmatched capability, flexibility and performance. Forsimultaneous machining, ease of change over, it is simply the best system in its class.
Its standard (8) eight cutting axes (X1, Y1, Z1, C1, C2, X2, Z2, and Y2), along with SS
Abile Programming Software you can make fast work of your toughest applications.
Highest Precision- Highest Speed- Highest Rigidity- Highest Flexibility
Maximum Machining Dia. 1.032" (26mm)
Maximum Machining Length 0.625" (270mm)
Main Spindle Speed 200-10,000
RotaryTool Spindle Speed 200-5,000 Front Drilling
Back Spindle Max. Dia. 1.032 Back Drilling
Back Spindle Front Ejection Max Length 3.2" (80mm)
Back Spindle Speed 200-10,000
Rapid Traverse Rate 32M/min
Input Power 19KVA
Center Height 41.33 (1,050 mm)
Weight 7,420Ibs.
Motors Main Spindle
Main Spindle 7.5 h
Back Spindle 5 hp
Rotary Tool 1.5 hp Continous
Coolant 0.5 hp
Tsugami Model 5526
I. Including:
1) Abile Software- Simplified PC based CAM programming aid.
2) Simultaneous all Axes control
3) AC Servo Axes Control
4) Main Spindle Speed 200 - 10,000 rpm 5-digit step less command
5) Back Spindle Speed 200 - 10,000 rpm 4-digit stepless command
6) Live Tool Spindle Speed 200 - 5,000 rpm 4-digit stepless command
7) Rotary Tools Drive System
8) Main Spindle Collet Chuck Unit (S&M 0166)
9) Back Spindle Collet Chuck Unit (S&M 0166)
5526- Page 3 of 10
Effective July, 2010
10) Parts catcher with exit conveyor and basket (max part length = 80mm)
11) Cutting Oil Tank with Coolant Flow Detector (40 Gal. Capacity)
12) Back Spindle Air Blow Unit
13) Servo Driven Rotary Guide Bushing Unit (uses S&M CD25)
14) Door Interlock with Switches
15) Main Spindle C axis with Brake
16) Sub Spindle C Axis with Brake
17) Spindle Cooling for Main, Sub and Guide Bushing Motors
18) Air/Oil Pressurized Driven Tool Gearbox Units
19) Air Pressurized Guide Bushing Unit
20) Air Pressurized Sub Spindle Housing
21) Centralized Lubrication System w/ Oil Level Detector (0.8 Litter Capacity)
22) Leveling Bolts & Pads
23) Hand Tools (spanners, wrenches, etc.)
24) One Complete Set of Manuals
25) Machine Test Report
26) Parameter List
27) (8) 5/8" Square Turning Tool Positions Main Spindle
28) (6) Driven tool Positions Main Spindle, Cartridge Type
29) (5) 10 Positions, Main or Sub
30) (3) Static Back Working Stations- 10 or Turning
31) (5) Live Back Working Stations- 10 or Turning
32) Up to 28 Tool Positions are Possible
Including: Standard Specifications of Fanuc 31 i-A CNC System
33) 10.4 " Color LCD
34) I/O Interface for RS232C / PCMCIA Card
35) Ethernet T1 0 Connection Interface
36) Abnormal Load Detection
37) Background Edit Function
38) Canned Cycles for Drilling
39) Canned Cycle for Threading
40) Chamfer/Corner Rounding Function
41) Chasing Function
Video of machine running
Machine was bought for an application that did not work out. Only 2500 pieces were run. Company realizes they need to negotiate a deal involving Tsugami.
43) Constant Surface Speed Control ( Main & Back)
44) Custom Macro B
45) Cut Off Breakage Detection
46) Cylindrical Interpolation
47) Direct Drawing Dimension Programming
48) Extended Part Program Edit
49) Helical Interpolation
50) I/O Interface
51) Inch Metric Changeover
52) Manual Pulse Generator with Program Check Function
53) Multiple Repetitive Cycles
54) Polar Coordinate Interpolation
55) Production Hour and Quantity Indicator
56) Programmable Data Input
57) Spindle Speed Fluctuation Device
58) Spindle Synchronous Control
59) Tool Geometry and Wear Offset
60) Tool Nose Radius Compensation
61) 0.1 Micron Specification
62) Minimum Increment (0.00001 inch)
63) 256K Program Storage Total
64) HRV Control
65) Rapid Feed rate: 32m/min
66) Reference Point Return (Absolute Position Detector)
67) Run Hour Display
68) Self-Diagnosis Function
69) Single Point Threading
70) Spindle Speed Fluctuation Detection
71) Superimposed & Simultaneous Control System
72) Tape Code (ISO Automatic Recognition)
73) Tool Breakage Detector (Spindle Speed Check)
74) Tool Nose Radius Compensation
75) Main/Back Spindle Synchronization
76) C-Axis Control (Main)
77) C-Axis Control (Back)
78) Canned Cycles for Drilling (G80/83/85/89)
79) User Macro (G65-67)
80) Rigid Tapping Main, Sub and Cross Tools
81) Synchronous Tapping