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- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 20a
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Live Tooling:
Sliding headstock (axis Z1/C1)Max. bar passage o 20 (25,4) mm
Length of parts - guide bush turning 200 mm
Programmable spindle rotation speed 100-10000 rpm
Positioned indexing and stop, increments 0.1 degree
Max. spindle power 3.7 (5.5) kW
Guide bush holder (X1/Y1) (X2/Y2)
Number of tools in the guide bush (fixed or turning) 2 x 5
Tool section 16 x 16 mm
Number of cross millers/drillers in the guide bush 4
Programmable rotation speed 100-8000 rpm
Max. power of turning spindles 1.5 (2.2) kW
End unit (X3/Y3)
Max. number of end tools (fixed or turning) 4
Programmable rotation speed 100-6000 rpm
Max. power of turning spindles 1.5 (2.2) kW
Counter-spindle and back-operation (X4/Y4/Z4/C4)
Max. diameter clamping capacity 20 (25.4) mm
Standard length of parts 200 mm
Programmable rotation speed 100-10000 rpm
Positioned indexing and stop, increments 0.1 degree
Max. number of back-operations
Number of fixed and turning spindles 7
Programmable spindle rotation speed 100-8000 rpm
Max. power of turning spindles 1.5 (2.2) kW
PNC-DECO parallel numeric control
Number of simultaneous axes All Axes
Number of interpolated axes all axes