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- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- L-16 VII
- Lathe - CNC
- 25mm
- 1995
- Live Tooling:
Maximum Stock Diameter 1"Maximum Length per Chucking 10"
Maximum Drilling Diameter ER 16 Collet up to .394"
Main Spindle Speed 8,000 RPM
Main Spindle Motor 5 HP
15 min. rating 7.5 HP
Maximum Chucking Diameter 1"
Pick-off Spindle Speed 6,000 RPM
Pick-off Spindle Motor 3 HP
Main Spindle Index 5 Degrees
Sub-spindle Index 15 Degrees
Rotary Tool Spindle Speed 5,000 RPM
Rotary Tool Motor .5 HP
Number of Tools to be Mounted 17
Turning Tools 5
Front Work ID Tools 3
Backwork ID Tools 5
Live Tools 4
Tool Size, square shank 5/8"
ID Sleeve 1"
Weight (approx.) 5512 lbs.
Equipped With:
Cincom System Control
Iemca Mini Boss 325 CNC Barfeeder