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- CNC Machine
- Index
- ABC Speedline
- Lathe - CNC
- 60mm
- 1998
Max Diameter Bar Capacity 2"Max Turning Diameter 2.6"
Max Machining Length 9.87"
Tools (Upper / Lower Turret) 8 (All Live) / 6
Backworking Tools 3 (1 Live)
Spindle Speed 4500 RPM
Milling Motor 3 HP
Milling Speed 6000 RPM
Rapid Traverse Rates (X/Z) 590 / 787 IPM
X-Axis Travel - Upper Turret 3.54"
Z-Axis Travel - Upper Turret 11.02"
X-Axis Travel - Lower Turret 3.19"
Z-Axis Travel - Lower Turret 3.15"
C-Axis Index .001 Degrees
Machine Dimensions (L x W x H) 76" x 49" x 69"
Machine Weight 5500 lbs.
ABC machines are 3 speed line, D42mm SIEMENS control with bar feeder,
in excellent condition and excellent mechanical repeatability.
One of the machines ABC is out of service because it lacks a
drive and a servo motor. This machine could be sold in a very good price.
The machine INDEX G200, D32, SIEMENS control with bar feeder is also in
excellent mechanical condition.
INDEX G200 NEW IN 1994
ABC NEW IN 1997 AND 199