Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 2000/20
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 1999
Turning Diameter: 20 mmSpindle Passage: 20 mm
Turning Length: 200 mm
Number of controlled axis: 12
Turning speeds movement spindle headstock: 0 - 10000 RPM
Subspindle speed range: 0 - 12000 RPM
Turning speeds driven tools: 0 - 8000 RPM
Indexation C1-Axis: 0.1 °
Indexation C4-Axis: 0.1 °
Manufacturer: Tornos Bechler
Model: Deco 2000/20
Control: Tornos-Bechler Fanuc PNC
Condition: Good
Under Power: Yes
Equipped With:
Guide bushing to handle 25 mm bar stock
Robobar SSF 12 foot magazine bar feeder
Chip Conveyor
Tornos-Bechler Fanuc PNC Deco Control
The machine can be seen under power.
We will load it on your truck
Approximately 29,200 hours on the Hobbs meter
Has three machines not enough work for the three and operator can only run two.
There is nothing wrong with the machine,