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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SR-20 R
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2002
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Max Turning Diameter...................... 3/4"Max Headstock Strike...................... 8"
Spindle Speed............................. 500-10,000 Rpm
Spindle Indexing.......................... Full C Axis
Tooling Positions:
Number of Turning Tools................... 6
4-Spindle Sleeve Holder................... 4
4-Spindle Cross Unit...................... 4 Live
Back 4-Spindle Unit....................... 4 Stationary/Revolving
Number of Tool Positions.................. 4
Sub Spindle Indexing...................... 15 Degree
Sub Spindle Speed......................... 500-8,000 Rpm
Approximate Dimensions.................... 87" X 43" X 67"
Approximate Weight........................ 4800 Lbs
3/4", Star Sr-20R I, 2002, C Axis, W/Mta Barfeed
Star Swiss Screw Machine
Model: Sr-20R
New: 2002
Control: Fanuc 18It
Equipped With:
Fanuc 18It Control
Mta Barfeed
Full C-Axis on Main
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