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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SR-20 R
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2002
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Star, Sr-20R, 3/4" Cap., Fanuc 18It Cntrl, New: 2002Cnc Control: Fanuc 18It
Max. Turning Diameter: 3/4" (25/32")
Max. Headstock Stroke: 8"
Max. Drilling Cap., Stationary Tool: 25/64" (10Mm)
Power-Driven Att.: 5/16" (8Mm)
Spindle Speed: 10,000 Rpm
Spindle Indexing: .01 Deg (C-Axis)
Main Spindle Motor: 3.7 Kw
(18) Tooling Positions: 6 Od, 4-Id, 4 Bwid,
Power-Driven Att. Spin. Speed, Cross Mill.350 - 8,000 Rpm
Sub-Spindle (Back Working):
Max. Chucking Diameter: 3/4" (25/32")
No. of Tools: 4 (up to 8 W/ 4 Live Opt)
Spindle Indexing: 15 Deg (Opt 1 Degree)
Motor: 2.2Kw
Max. Drilling Capacity (3-Spindle Unit): 9/32"
High Pressure Coolant