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- CNC Machine
- Mori-Seiki
- DL-150
- Lathe - CNC
- 1.7"
- 1997
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Dual Spindles:
- Live Tooling:
- Dual Turrets:
Twin Spindles, Twin Turrets, & Live MillingSerial No.: 206
Age 1997
Swing over Bed 11.02"
Max Distances Between Spindles 38.78"
Max Turning Diameter 6.69"
Max Turning Length 7.87"
X-Axis Travel 8.07"
Z-Axis Travel 9.449"
Y-Axis Travel 2.36" +/-1.18"
Spindle Travel 29.21"
Number of Spindles 2
Spindle Speed Range 80-8000 Rpm
Rotary Tool Speed Range 30-3000 Rpm
Type of Spindle Nose a2-5
Spindle Thru Hole 2.2"
Number of Turrets 2
Spindle Drive Motor 10/7.5 Hp
Approx Dimensions 116" X 95" X 78"
Approx Weight 14,250
Equipped With:
Mori-Fanuc Msc-518 Cnc Control
(2) 6" 3-Jaw Chucks (Main & Sub Spindle)
(2) 12-Station Turrets With Live Milling
Y-Axis Movement on Both Turrets
C-Axis .001 Degree Indexing (Main & Sub Spindle)
Tool-Eye Ready (Main & Sub Spindle)
Parts Catcher
Rear Chip Conveyor
Operators Foot Pedals
220/3/60 Electrics
Smw Spacesaver 2000 Magazine Bar Feed