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- CNC Machine
- Nakamura
- WTS-150
- Lathe - CNC
- 2006
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Dual Spindles:
- Live Tooling:
Cnc Turning / MillingcenterType De Machine : Nakamura Wts 150
Control: Fanuc 16I Tb
Year: 2006
Installation: 01/2006
Working Hours: [H] 11.000
New Price: 420.000
Max. Turning Length: [Mm] 255 / 755
Turningdiameter: [Mm] 310
Max. Swing over Slide: [Mm] 310
Spindle Nose: a 2 - 5
Bar Capacity: [Mm] 51
X-Axis: [Mm] 207,5
Y-Axis: [+/- Mm] 30 (2X)
Z-Axes: [Mm] 300 / 800
Rapid Motion: (X/Z) [M/Min] 12 / 40
Amount of Turrets: 3
Amount of Tools: [Pieces] 12 + 12 + 12
Driven Tools 12 + 12 + 12
Spindle Motor: [Kw] 15 / 11
Revolution Driven Tools 60 - 6.000
Max. Revolution: [Rpm] 6.000
Torque: [Nm] 25
Input Power: [Kw] 3,7
Req. Space (Lxbxh): [M] 3,85 X 2,33 X 2,32
Machine Weight: [Kg] 10.000
Collets O 310 Mm
3-Jaw Chuck 2 X Forkardt (130 Mm / 200 Mm)
Interface Barfeeder
Barfeeder Lns Hydrobar Express 332
Tool Holders 12
Driven Tools 8
Tool Setter X 2
Chip Conveyor
High Pressure Pumps
Oil Mist Seperator