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- CNC Machine
- Emco-Maier
- Lathe - CNC
- 2002
- Live Tooling:
EMCO Maier Model Emcoturn 325 II CNC Lathe, new 2002.Specifications:
Swing over bed............................................... 9.84"
Swing over cross slide....................................... 3.35"
Distance, spindle nose to tailstock center................. 15.94"
X-axis travel................................................ 3.94"
Z-axis travel............................................... 11.81"
Max. chuck work parts dimensions................ 3.35" x 9.65"
Max. bar work diameter....................................... 1.00"
Spindle bore................................................. 1.18"
Spindle speeds (infinitely variable).............. 0 - 6,300 rpm
Working feed rates..................................... 0 - 157 ipm
Rapid traverse rate........................................ 315 ipm
Least step increment...................................... 0.00004"
Driven tool station speeds (6)..................... 200 - 5,000 rpm
Tailstock traverse........................................... 7.87"
Tailstock quill stroke....................................... 4.72"
Spindle motor (100% / 60% D.C.)....................... 5.33/5.87 Hp
Driven stations power (40% D.C.)............................ 1.6 Hp
Dimensions....................................... 64"Wx 46"D x 69"H
Weight (approx.).......................................... 1540 lb.