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- CNC Machine
- Hwacheon
- HI-TECH 200A CNC Lathe
- Lathe - CNC
- 75mm
- 2009
Hwacheon Hi-Tech 200a Cnc LatheCapacity:
Swing over Bed: 500Mm,
Max. Working Dia.: 350Mm,
Standard Working Dia.: 210Mm,
Max. Working Length: 400Mm,
Chuck Size: (8'')203Mm,
-Main Spindle:
Type: a2-6 Asa,
Max. Rpm: 5000Mm,
Dia. of Through Hole: 75Mm,
Max. Working Dia. of Workpiece: 51Mm,
Inside Dia. of Main Spindle Bearing(Front) : 100Mm,
Motor Power: 15/11 Kw,
Number of Tools: 12,
Size of Tool(Outside Dia. X Boring Bar) : 25X 40Mm,
Indexing Time: 0.15 Sec/ Step,
Rapid Travel(X/Z): 30/30 M/Min,
Max. Travel(X/Z): 195/430 Mm,
Motor Power(X/Z): 1.6/3.0 Kw,
Diameter: 80Mm,
Travel: 100Mm,
Taper: # 4Mt,
-Tank Capacity:
Oil for Sliding Face: 12 Liters,
Hydraulic Oil: 11 Liters,
Coolant: 150 Liters,
-Electric Power:
Electricity: 30Kva,
Height: 1725Mm,
Area for Installing(Lxw): 2623Mm X 1659Mm,
Weight of Machine: 4200Kgf,
Cnc Controler : Faunc Oi - Tc,