Sold!Buy one like this
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- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- BS32C-II
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 0
- C Axis:
- Y Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Max Diameter Bar Capacity 1.25"Main Spindle Motor 7.5 HP
Main Spindle Speed 200 - 7000 RPM
Main Spindle Indexing .001 Degrees
Number of Tools
Turning Tools 6
Live Tools 4
Front End - Working Tools 5
Backworking Tools 3
Backworking Live Tools 2
Milling Motor 1.5 HP
Milling Speed 200 - 5000 RPM
Sub Spindle Motor 2.7 HP
Sub Spindle Speed 200 - 6000 RPM
Sub Spindle Index 5 Degree
X1-Axis Travel 2.28"
X2-Axis Travel 8.66"
Z1-Axis Travel 9.75"
Z2-Axis Travel 7.88"
T1-Axis Travel 11.6"
C-Axis Index .001 Degrees
Max Drilling/Tapping Dia. 0.472" / 0.393"
Machine Dimensions (L x W x H) 88" x 60" x 84"
Machine Weight 6000 lbs.