Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Star
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 1985
- Live Tooling:
Pick Off AttachmentC Model Has Indexable Spindle
Central Lube System
Headstock RPM 150-7,500 RPM
Main Drive 10 Horsepower
Max Drill Dia 25/64"
Max Length Turned 6.25"
Max Thread Dia 25/64"
Max Turn Diameter 13/16"
Revolving Guide Bushing
Weight 5,840 lbs
X Axis 26.25 Ft/Min
Z Axis 32.8 Ft/Min
VNC20 Fanuc 3T
serial # 015903
MFG date 1984
Bar feed IEMCA
VNC20 Fanuc OT
serial # 056314
MFG date 1988
Bar feed IEMCA AS325/42 serial#89112816
Large amount of tooling included.
Must check to see if it a the C model machine
Price is for both machines and all tooling