Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- Automatic
- Acme Gridley
- 2" RB-6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 6 Spindle
- 1972
- Spindle Size: 2"
Height To Top Of Motor 7' 2"Length 12'5"
Weight 27,300 Lbs
Idle Time 3 Sec.Main Tool Slide Travel 7"
Colle t Capacity Square 1 7/16"
Spindle Speeds 152-1640
Spindle RPM if Stopper 1270
Collet Capacity Hex 1 3/4"
Collet Capacity Round 2"
Standard Main Motor 30 Horsepower
Stock Feedout Max. 7"
Stem: .0005-.001
Carrier Gap: .006
Rebuilt 1998
Stock Reel and Stand
Five (5) Cross Slides
Six (6) Collet Tubes and Pusher Tubes
Universal Threading: 4Th Position
Accelerated Reaming Less Holder & Spindle (Can Provide): 5Th Position
Two (2) Drill Saddles: 1St and 6Th Positions or As Needed
Universal Chip Conveyor
Plexiglas Splash Guards
Air Knock out (Push Button Feed)
Hand Crank Safety
40 Hp Main Drive Motor and Controls
220/440 3 Phase 60 Cycle 1765 Rpm
Condition: Very Good