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- CNC Machine
- Takisawa
- TT-160
- Lathe - CNC
- 7.87"
- 2003
- C Axis:
- Number of Axis: Yes
- Dual Spindles:
- Gantry Load:
With Live Milling and Gantry Robot & StackerSerial No.: Tbdr1012
Age: 2003
Number of Axes 8
Number of Spindles 2
Max Swing 13.38"
Max Machining Diameter 7.87"
Max Turning Length 5.16"
X1 & X2 Axes Travels 5.1"
Z1 & Z2 Axes Travels 6.5"
C-Axis Rotation 0.001 Degree
Hole Thru Spindle 2.1"
Main Spindle Speeds 4000 Rpm
Live Milling Speeds 2500 Rpm
Spindle Drive Motor 15 Hp
Spindle Nose a2-6"
Machine Dimensions 103" X 75"
Machine Height 108"
Approx Weight 11,000 Lbs
Equipped With:
Left & Right Side Fanuc 21It Cnc Controls
Light & Right Side 6" Smw Autoblok 3-Jaw Hydraulic Chucks
Left & Right Side 10-Position Turrets
5 Live Milling Positions Each Turret
C-Axis 0.001 Degree Spindle Indexing
Takisawa Gantry Robot for Part Load/Unload
16-Pallet Parts Carousel
Robot Pendant Control
Chip Conveyor