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- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 2000/20
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2001
Serial No.: 3467Year: 2001
- bar maxi diameter : 26 [mm],
- part length with rotary sleeve : 200 [mm],
- spindle speed : 0 - 8 000 [rpm],
- spindle stop : 0,1 °,
- spindle power : 5,5 [kW],
- number of turning tools : 2 x 5,
- tools section : 16 x 16 [mm],
- rotary tools programmable speed : 0 - 8 000 [rpm],
- tools number at the end : 4,
- rotary tools programmable speed : 0 - 6 000 [rpm],
- counter spindle maxi clamping : 20 [mm],
- counter spindle : with main spindle technical details (indexing, speed),
- number of counter operation : 7,
- fixed and rotary spindle : 4 + 3,
- rotary tools programmable speed : 8 000 [rpm],
- dimensions : 2 000 x 1 500 x 2 100 [mm],
- number of axes : 10,
- number of working hours : 12 948h,
- CNC TB DECO control
- motorisation S2, S3, S4, S5
- lubricating tank.