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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SR-16
- Lathe - CNC
- 16mm
- 1993
- Live Tooling:
Control Fanuc 16-TTAMax. Turning Diameter 16 mm (5/8")
Max Head Stock Stroke 205 mm (8")
Max Drilling Capacity - Stationary 8 mm (5/16")
Max Drilling Capacity - Power Driven 5 mm (3/16")
Max Tapping Capacity - Stationary M8 x P1.25
Max Tapping Capacity - Power Driven M5 x PO.8
Max Milling Capacity 10 mm (3/8")
Max Die Cutting Capacity M8 x P1.25
Max Slotting Capacity 1.5 mm x 4 mm
Spindle Speed 10,000 RPM
Spindle Bore 20 mm (49/64")
Spindle Indexing 15 Degrees
Sub-Spindle Diameter 16 mm (5/8")
Max Part Length for Front Ejection 80 mm (2-1/8")
Max Parts Projection Length 30 mm (1-5/32")
Sub-Spindle Speeds 400 - 6,000 RPM
Number Of Turning Tools 6
Number Of Power Driven Tools 3
Power Driven Spindle Speed 350-5,000 RPM
Tool Shank Size 12 x 95-120 / 12.7x 95-120
Coolant Tank Capacity 100 L (26.4 Gallons)
Axis - X, Y, Z, Xb & Zb