Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 2000/20
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 2001
- Live Tooling:
Bar Capacity 1"Number of Axes 10
Max Machining Length 7.087"
Headstock Spindle Motor 5.5 HP
Headstock Spindle Speed 100 - 10,000 RPM
Main Spindle Index 0.1 Degree
Main Spindle Speed 100 - 8000 RPM
Main Spindle Motor 2.2 HP
Main Spindle Turning Tools 5 x 2
Main Spindle Live Tools 4
End Working Tools 4
End Working Spindle Speed 100 - 6000 RPM
End Working Spindle Motor 2.2 HP
Counter Spindle Speed 100 - 10,000 RPM
Number of Counter Operations 7
Fixed / Driven Spindles 4 / 3
Fixed / Driven Spindle Speed 100 - 8000 RPM
Fixed / Driven Spindle Motor 2.2 HP
Machine Dimensions (L x W x H) 89.4" x 64.9" x 86.6"
Machine Height 7700 lbs.
Looking for offers - machines is in Singapore