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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- SR-20R
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 1998
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
Star Swiss Screw SR-20R IIMax turning diameter......................... 3/4"
Max headstock stroke......................... 8"
Spindle speed........................................ 500-10,000 RPM
Spindle indexing.................................. FULL C AXIS
Tooling positions:
Number of tools.................................... 6
4-Spindle sleeve holders..................... 4
4-Spindle cross unit............................. 4
Back 4-Spindle unit............................. 4
Drilling capability................................ 8
Milling capability.................................. 5
Number of tool positions...................... 4
Sub-Spindle indexing........................... 1 degree
Star (Allen Bradley) Control
Chip conveyor
IEMCA Barfeed
Loads of tooling
Star (Allen Bradley) CNC Control,
500-10,000 RPM Spindle, Sub spindle,
Full C-Axis on main, 1 degree indexing on
sub, Chip Conveyor, Iemca Barfeed,
Drilling/Milling capabilities.