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- CNC Swiss
- Tsugami
- NT12TT
- Lathe - CNC
- Swiss Type
- Live Tooling:
Tsugami 12-Tt Swiss Automatic Screw Machine With Fanuc 10T ControlModel: Nt12-Tt
S/N 3458
Diameter 0.125" - 0.500" (3 Mm - 13 Mm)
Maximum Machineable Length: 5.125" (130 Mm)
Maximum Machineable Hole Diameter 0.375" (Brass 0.312" (Steel)
Maximum Machineable Thread Diameter: 0.312" (Brass) (M8) 0.312" (Steel) (M6)
Spindle Speeds (Stepless): 340 Rpm - 9,999 Rpm
Number of Turrets: (2)
Turret Tool Capacity: (6) Tools Each
Tool Size: 0.375" Square, 2.375" Long
Spindle Center Height: 35.433"
X-Axis Travel: 3.150"
Z-Axis Travel 5.315"
Spindle Drive Motor Ac 3.7 Kw.Attachment Drive Motor 0.2/0.4 Kw, 4/2 Pole Change Motor
Machine Weight 3,320 Lbs
Coolant Tank Capacity 17 Gallons
Total Power 12 Kva