I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Machine
- Index
- ABC Speedline
- Lathe - CNC
- 42-2
- 2002
Main spindle
- Spindle clamp voltage: 36 mm
- Spindelduchmesser in front bearing: 85 mm
- Performance: 7,5 / 13/20 kW
- Torque: Nm 35/62/95
- Torque: Nm 64/102/140
- Speed: 6300 min? 1
- Stop and workpiece output device: D42/D60
Tool carrier
- Number of tools: any
- Tool mounting DIN 69 880: 25x48 mm
- Switching time for a station (to logic): 0.25 s
Extension levels
- Tool-drive means (for all stations)
- Power: 3,3 kW
- Torque: 7.5 Nm
- Speed: 6000 rpm? 1
- Speed: 5300 min
Synchronous spindle orientation and switching device
Plier voltage:
- Torque: 10 Nm
- Speed: 4500 rpm? 1
- Clamping diameter max.: 42 mm
- Clamping at max. Clamping diameter: 38 mm
- Part length max. 120 mm
- Spindle Through Hole: 17 mm
- Clamping pressure: max. 34 bar
Food supply for external and internal voltage:
- Torque: 10 Nm
- Speed: 4000 rpm? 1
- Clamping diameter (outer): max. 75 mm
- Ausstosserhub: max. 42 mm
- Jaw stroke per jaw: max. 0.6 mm
- Clamping pressure: max. 30 bar
- Clamping force in the arrest: max. 480 daN
- Part length: max. 100 mm
Feed with higher voltage clamping force:
(OD only)
- Torque: 10 Nm
- Speed: 4500 rpm? 1
- Clamping diameter (outer): 75 mm
- Ejection stroke: max. 42 mm
- Jaw stroke per jaw: max. 1.07 mm
- Clamping pressure: max. 34 bar
- Clamping force in the arrest: max. 540 daN
- Part length: max. 80 mm
- Alignment and switching device: pitch angle 7.5 ^0
- Number of tools: any
- Dovetail tooling system Schalltzeit host for a station (to logic): 0.25 s
- Sleigh-: 81 mm
- Thrust: 8300 N
- Fast speed: min 16 m /
- Resolution: 0.5 microns
- Number of tools: any
- Dovetail tooling system sleigh-recording: 280 mm