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- CNC Swiss
- Star
- KNC-32B
- Lathe - CNC
- 32mm
- 1992
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
- Dual Turrets:
(1) Used Star Model Knc-32B Swiss Type Cnc Lathe,With Fanuc O-Tt Control, 1-1/4"
Machining Capacity
Maximum Turning Diameter: 1-1/4"
Maximum Headstock Stroke in One
Chucking: 12-13/64"
Maximum Headstock Stroke in One
Chucking With Bar Stock Gripping Unit: 11-39/64"
Maximum Drilling Diameter (Fixed)
Required Pre-Drilling: 29/32"
Maximum Drilling Diameter
(Power Driven Attachment): 25/64"
Maximum Diameter Cutting Capacity: M12 X P1.75
Maximum Tapping Capacity (Fixed): M12 X P1.75
Maximum Tapping Capacity
(Power Driven Attachment): M8 X P1.25
Maximum Milling Capacity: .3937" Diameter
Slotting Capacity: .0787" Width X .3937" Length
Spindle Speeds: 150-6000 Rpm
Speed Control: Assigned Directly With 4-Digit
S-Code Command (Steplessly)
Direction of Spindle Rotation: Forward and Reverse
Headstock Spindle Speeds Control: Ac Drive
Minimum Indexing Angle (Degree): 0.01 (C-Axis Control)
Spindle Motor: 5.5/7.5 Hp
Type: Twin Turret With
35 Degree Slanted
Number of Tools: 20 (10 X 2)
Change of Spindle Speed
for Power Driven Attachment: 225-4500 Rpm
Power Driven Attachment Motor: 1.5 X 2 Kw
Spindle Speed Control for
Power Driven Attachment: Assigned Directly by
Speed Command (Steplessly)
Direction of Tool Spindle Rotation
for Power Driven Attachment: Forward and Reverse
Spindle Rotation Control for
Power Driven Attachment: Inverter Drive
Tool Selection System: Random Indexing
the Shortest Route
Turret Positioning: Face Tooth Coupling
Tool Size: .629" X .629" X 3.07"
Tool Holder Mounting: Quick Change System
Type of Rotation: Right Handed
Collet Chuck (Headstock and
Rear End Working Attachment): Mr32
Guide Bushing: Mr32
Back Working Attachment Specifications
Maximum Chucking Diameter: 1-1/4"
Maximum Chucking Length: 5-29/32"
Maximum Chucking Length With
Pick-Up Spindle With Rear Ejection: 23-5/8"
Maximum Drilling Diameter: .511"
Maximum Tapping Capacity: M12 X P1.75
Spindle Speeds (Inverter Drive): 180-3600 Rpm
Spindle Motor: 1.5 Kw
Coolant Tank
Tank Capacity: 40 Gallons
Pump Motor: .25 Kw
Hydraulic Unit
Tank Capacity: 11 Gallons
Pump Motor: 1.5 Kw
Machine Dimensions: 115"(L) X 72"(W) X 71"(H)
Weight: 8800 Lbs
Electrics: 220 Volts, 3 Ph, 60 Cyc
Equipped With
Fanuc O-Tt Control
Back Working Attachment
Rotary Guide Bushing
Tool Setter
Miscellaneous Static Tool Holders
3 Position End-Working Slide
Parts Conveyor