Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Swiss
- Tornos
- Deco 2000
- Lathe - CNC
- 20mm
- 1999
- Live Tooling:
Tool Pre-setterMagazine Bar Feed
Travel Axis Z1-0.787"
Bar Capacity 0.787"
Machine Dimension - 62" x 38"
Machine Height - 72"
Machine Weight - 3300 Lbs.
Main Spindle Drive Motor - 7.5
Number of Sliding Turrets 3
Primary Slide - 8000 RPMSpindle Speed 10,000 RPM
Third Slide - 6000 RPM
Travel Axis C1 - 360 Degrees
Travel Axis X1 - 0.787"
Travel Axis X2 - 0.787"
Travel Axis X4 - 0.787"
Travel Axis Z3 - 7.87"
Travel Axis Z4 - 7.87"
Turning Diameter 0.787
Turning Length 7.87Turret Type Slide
Very Nice machine
Robo Bar Feed Included
12,500 hours
Looking for offers