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- CNC Multi Spindle
- Index
- 1-1/4 MS-32c
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 32mm
- 2006
- Spindle Size: 32mm
- C Axis:
Workspindles 6Bar Capacity Max.Mm 32
Power at 100% Kw4
Torque at 100% Nm15
Speed Max.Rpm6300
Tool Carriers
Number of Tool Carriers 12
Travel X / Z / Ymm68 / 100 / 32
Synchronous Spindle
Chuck Size Max.Mm 95
Power at 25% Kw 10
Torque at 25% Nm 16
Speed Max.Rpm 6300
Backworking Tools 2
Dimensions L X W X H Mm 6338 X 1800 X 2400
The Ms32C Is the Compact Version of the Ms32 Series.
The 12 Tool Carriers Can Be Equipped With Two Tools Each.
Independent of the Position, Any One of These Tool Carriers
Can Be Equipped With I.D. or O.D. Tools. Contrary to Conventionally
Designed Machines, Which Consist of 6 Cross Slides and 6 End
Working Tools, the Tools Can Always Be Chosen Optimally Based
on the Need of the Particular Job.
Six Separately Driven Motor Spindles With C-Axis Capabilities
Speed Control for Optimal Cutting Speeds, Favorable Chip
Breaking, and Short Cycle Times Twelve Independently Working
Cnc-Controlled Tool Slides, Optionally With One or Two Axis
Particularly Suitable for Part Families Due to Flexible Setup and
Fast Changeover Complete Machining With Driven Tools in All
Spindle Positions Automatic Loading and Unloading of Chuck Parts
High Dampening Effect of Hydrostatically Guided Z-Axis
Standard Bar Feed