Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Multi Spindle
- Tornos
- SAS16.6
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 16mm
- 1997
- Spindle Size: 16mm
- 6 Spindle Bar Machine with fully enclosed protectiveguards and interlocks
- 6 Cross Slides, 20mm travel with 4 independent feeds
- Main Slide 30mm travel
- Programmable spindle speeds, production cycles &
- Automatic Central lubrication system
- GE Fanuc CNC control featuring breakdown detector and
end of br and workpiece counter amongst all other
standard features.
- 10 hp (7.5 kw) AC motor with frequency variator to drive
- 2.4 hp AC motor with frequency variator drive to camshaft
- Rear upper, rear lower and front lower independent feeds
- Quill with brake for counter spindle
- Drive for slow speed drilling and self opening diehead
- Pickoff spindle, capacity 10mm, with drill holder lever
and special ejection device
Working hours: 47'000
Turning Diameter: maxi O 16
Barfeeder/type: Robobar MSL 320
back spindle + Stopp
chip conveyor
slewable limit stop
Material loading
div. tool-holder
Price in CHF
Year: Spring 1997