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- Automatic
- Index
- MS25
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 25mm
- 1989
- Spindle Size: 25mm
- maxi diameter : 26 [mm]- feeding maxi length : 125 [mm]
- spindle speed : 366 - 5020 [rpm]
- number of spindles : 6
- central block stroke with cone : 85 [mm]
with hydraulic : 200 [mm]
- cross stroke with cone : 36 [mm]
with hydraulic : 56 [mm]
- dimensions : 5 728 x 1 080 x 1 816 [mm]
- weight : 5 200 [kg]
- counter spindle
- counter operation device
- 5 drilling units
- all the tool holders
- foot and drum
- lubricating tank
- IEMCA PRA 40/35P bar loader
- polygonal milling device